About Ponsonby Community Centre

Built in 1897, Ponsonby Community Centre was initially a school.  It was purchased by Auckland City Council in 1958 for use as a hall. The Centre has been rebuilt and completely refurbished since a fire in August 1999. See more on the history of the buildings here.

Since 1990, the Centre has offered expanded services including adult education and a pre-school as well as being a venue for hire.

This Centre is owned and supported by Auckland Council and is run independently by a Board of local residents and users of the Centre.  This is a community facility for the local community.  Your interest and input are needed by providing ideas and feedback on activities.

Ponsonby Community Centre Board is the committee that is responsible for governance decisions and has oversight of the smooth running and financial well-being of the Centre.  The Board members are elected from the local community at the Annual General Meeting.  They have skills in management, finance and governance and have the interests and health of the Centre and its activities at heart.

The Board members elected at the AGM for the 2023-24 year are: Nick Davies (Chair), Patricia Reade, Mei Zi Ho (Treasurer), Roberta Tills, Pamela Malcolm (Secretary) and Emma Taylor. Richard Northey is the representative from the Waitemata Local Board on behalf of Auckland Council.

Contact information for Board members is available from the Centre, 378 1752 or email [email protected].

Our 2019 – 2024 Strategic Plan can be viewed here